When it comes to older properties, roof maintenance is something that can be easily overlooked, especially if you haven’t had a roof problem before. Without appropriate care, the lifespan of a roof can be significantly reduced through thermal shock (expansion & contraction) as well as winds, heavy rain and UV breakdown because of our hot Australian sun. A build-up of debris such as dirt, moss and leaves can accelerate corrosion problems that may ultimately lead to a roof replacement.

Thermal Shock
One of the most common reasons for replacing a roof is caused from Thermal Shock, which is a result of expansion and contraction.
The result from Thermal Shock leaves a opening for the Moisture to build up in the crevices.
Now that the Moisture has found its way into exposed areas Corrosion can now flourish.
To stop the Corrosion by nullifying water ingress, preventing further rust from occurring, followed by two coats of Thermoshield Insulation protecting the substrate.
Roof replacement is more expensive because of the complexity of the job, which will take longer to complete. The disruption could also be unpleasant to the occupants within the building, with a full roof replacement leaving your building exposed to the elements as the work is carried out. The preferred choice by business and homeowners is to repair or restore an existing roof. More affordable than roof-replacement, a roof restoration can save you time and money with limited disruption to occupants and can extend the longevity of your roof by 10-15 years.
Roof replacement is a very costly procedure that can be prevented by Thermoshield Restoration
Total Rebuild
Without appropriate maintenance, the life span of a roof can be significantly reduced due to the build-up of debris such as dirt and leaves combined with effects of pooled water can cause accelerated corrosion that may ultimately lead to full replacement of roof and connections.
Rather than replacing a perfectly sound roof that may be suffering from surface rusting, mild waterproofing concerns or simply a heavily weathered and unsightly roof, Thermoshield Australia is able to successfully treat the various concerns and restore to a ‘like new’ condition through the combinations of:
- Dedicated rust conversion
- High microfibre waterproofing
- Etch priming
- Thermoshield thermal ceramic coating
Following the extensive roof preparations, the two coats of Thermoshield thermal ceramic coating will transform the roof with all the added benefits that come with the insulation properties of the coating, for a fraction of the cost of full roof replacement!
The Thermoshield restoration process provides a two fold solution that goes beyond simply prolonging the life of the roofing structure by offering:
- An effective barrier (non-permeable membrane) against corrosive elements and
- Thermal insulation, which results in significant energy efficiency savings
Boroondara City Council Case Study
The city of Boroondara has used the Thermoshield application on several buildings with success in recent years. They were one of the first clients the fully grasp the multifaceted benefits of the Thermoshield Restoration ‘System’.
The Ashburton Pool & Recreational Centre was in the midst of a large scale renovation and wanted to avoid the costly process of roof replacement – and opted for the Thermoshield Restoration in order which enables the client to utilise available funds in other areas better of the re-development.
The roof size of this project is 4,676 sqm and took 4 weeks (6 day week) to complete.
In comparison: A roof replacement of the same size would cost approximately $287,574 and take around 19 weeks to complete, along with constant interruptions on your day to day operations.